In the meantime...

In the meantime...

Happy Holidays,

I hope this blog finds you in good spirits. Let's dive right in. Recently, the coach of my favorite NFL team, the Pittsburgh Steelers, dropped a nugget of wisdom that resonated with me: "Don't be patient, just work while you wait." This quote struck a chord because, in my current pursuit of a job in my field, it made me reflect on my own actions. What am I doing now to prepare myself for the moment I've been patiently waiting for? If the call for an interview for my dream job came right now, would I be ready?

Consider this analogy: in football, there are 2nd and 3rd string players. While they may not play in every game, they must stay ready because, in the event of an injury to a starting player, they have to step up. Similarly, we must prepare for every opportunity as if it's already happening. If God were to bless you with exactly what you've been asking for this very moment, would you be prepared to receive it? We need to be ready to "stump with the big dogs," as Martin would say, or we risk squandering the blessings that come our way.

So, I pose a question: what are you doing in the meantime? As you wait for your dream job, a 6'3 husband, a new car, a new house, or whatever it may be, how are you actively preparing to receive it?

Ecclesiastes 11:6 advises us to sow our seeds in the morning and not let our hands be idle in the evening. It emphasizes the importance of staying active and not becoming complacent while we wait. Apply for your dream job, sure, but don't shy away from exploring other opportunities in the meantime. You never know what doors may open.

Moreover, don't succumb to laziness during the waiting period. Proverbs 13:4 bluntly states, "Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper." Let this be a reminder to avoid idleness and embrace productive activities, making the wait more bearable.

Finally, Galatians 6:4 encourages us to pay careful attention to our own work, finding satisfaction in a job well done without comparing ourselves to others. Be the player who works while waiting, approach every opportunity as if you're the starter, and when your time comes, you'll be more than ready.

In essence, let's heed the wisdom of the Steelers' coach: don't just be patient—work diligently while you wait. Your time is coming, and when it does, make sure you're fully prepared to seize the moment.

Wishing you strength, determination, and a heart full of readiness!

*Please note, this blog was originally written in January 2021*

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