Draw Me Nearer...Or Not 🤔

Draw Me Nearer...Or Not 🤔

"Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord,

To the cross where Thou hast died;

Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer blessed Lord,

To Thy precious, bleeding side…” - Draw Me Nearer Hymn

There's something about hymns that warms the heart. Maybe it's the poignant lyrics for some, the gentle melody for others, or perhaps the divine presence they evoke. Personally, I find solace in singing 'Draw me nearer…,' but as I contemplated what that closeness entails, I couldn't help but wonder, “God, is that truly what I want?” Stick with me. As Christians, the journey towards God sometimes feels like a series of challenges.

Draw me nearer...

Grandparents pass away…draw me nearer.

Family members face sickness…draw me nearer.

Wars...draw me near.

Sickness and disease...draw me close I think.

The economy is up and down…maybe draw me or not, I don’t know. Draw me, toss me, or just hand me a financial parachute, please.

You get the picture. It seems like despair is constant, while others seem to lead carefree lives. So, why not opt for an easier route? Be good people, do kind things, treat others well, maybe believe in a higher power? It appears simpler that way. Yet, we are reminded, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 16:25, ESV). Why endure when we can live a good life, age gracefully, and exit peacefully? Because the reward for our struggles will be worth it! I might sound like I've lost my marbles, but these are genuine questions that I grapple with, and I'm sure some of you do too. Despite the chaos, we must endure. Matthew 24:13 assures us, “The one who perseveres to the end SHALL be saved.” Regardless of the challenges, I encourage you to endure till the end.

As the return of Jesus approaches, the signs will become more evident. I pray to God for two things:

1. To make me ready.
2. To provide divine strategies and ideas to draw others in this time.

As we witness the unfolding of the Bible right before our eyes, let not your hearts be troubled. Resist the pull of fear and anxiety; instead, cultivate a heart of gratitude because our savior is drawing near. The best part is, we have the blueprint. Be steadfast in faith, and remember, all you have to do is endure.

Until next time...
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